for your business & life


"Knowing is better than guessing!"

ICF (International Coaching Federation) defines coaching as partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential.

It is professionally accompanying the client with his own reflections and searching for his own solutions. Coaching is a great way to push boundaries and overcome barriers by looking for new - at first sight unrecognizable opportunities. Coaching interview brings clarity to the client's working or life situation. This improves his perception of reality, allowing him to see opportunities he had never considered before. It is a pleasant experience, although thinking can sometimes hurt a little. The coach's approach lies in the partnership and the maximum confidence of the client's ability to find solutions to all their topics, intentions or problems. After the coaching interview, the coached person becomes clearer about how he will progress and what will help him. Now also in the long term in business and life issues.


„Sometimes the smallest thing can make the biggest change“

When can coaching be useful to you?

  • Do you face an important decision or challenge and need clarity?
  • Do you have ideas or dreams in your head but do not take any action - do you need new impulses as well as structure?
  • Do you need to prepare yourself for a new position and new tasks?
  • Are you stuck in a problem or situation and do not know what to do next?
  • Do you have a problem or conflict with a close person or colleague and are you burdened?
  • Are you under a lot of pressure or do you feel you can't meet the expectations of your environment and want to work on it?
  • Are you at risk of burning out or your time management starts collapsing and want a better balance in life?
  • Are you dissatisfied with your life and want to do something about it?

It is only a few topics from practice that clients have solved by coaching. Coaching is not only suitable for overcoming any crisis situation, it is also very useful when you want to start positive development, keep it going and achieve new goals.

Whether coaching in your situation suits you and will be a useful way for you can only be answered individually. The fact is that coaching brings awareness and clarity to your situation. Whether you are in a personal crisis or just "just" feel that you want to develop or change something in your life and are considering whether coaching is the right way, you have already taken the first significant step. If you are really ready to make a change and want to know more about what coaching will do, contact us.


„Create a strong team around you and unleash its hidden potential!"

Coaching as such can help and accompany the success of individuals as well as whole teams. By developing a mentally safe environment in the team - where its members learn to engage in open dialogue, share concerns, and work with constructive criticism - you as a leader increase the level of trust, quality of cooperation and team member satisfaction. You can also focus on specific issues such as conflicts or other team dysfunctions. The team coach moderates the process of finding solutions, gives inputs, but relies on the team's ability to help itself in the situation. In facilitating tailor-made workshops, we use a systemic approach that is based on the idea that people are part of systems. It's about looking at the team as a whole, its external and internal relationships – not at the individuals. Team coaching is most effective when the team is open for it. Likewise, if the team leader does not accept that he is part of the change, team coaching is not necessarily a practical approach

Team coaching enables the team to:

  • Gain better clarity, coherence and consistency in relation to team priorities - most importantly for achieving common goals.
  • Resolve conflicts between individuals and / or groups constructively.
  • Improve the effectiveness of communication between team members and external stakeholders.
  • Define the company's strategy and vision, including steps to implement it.
  • Increase the level of creativity and innovation in the team.
  • Adapting a new leader to an existing team easier and faster.


„Breakthroughs don´t change your life, microhabits do!“

I graduated from the Faculty of Business of the EU in Bratislava and from the german business program at the partner universities Linz and Halle. Since my youth, I have been working in an international environment, whether for business or private, and besides Slovak, I coach in German and English. Immediately after school I was attracted to work with people and HR. I have 15 years of experience in human resources management in large international companies, much of it as HR Manager. The world of human resources is great and over time I was most impressed by employee development and coaching, which I consider to be the most effective way to develop human potential. I have had several trainings at Business Coaching College in Bratislava. I have been actively coaching since 2015, I am a certified coach by the International Coach Federation (ICF), a member of ICF and the Slovak Coaching Association (SAKO).

I love traveling, water, water skiing and am a proud captain of small boats. As for others, life is also a challenge for me and yet I have a wonderful family and many dreams to come true that I gradually fulfill. When coaching, I am not a client's mentor or superior, I am his partner and most loyal fan.

Team coaching in larger groups I facilitate in cooperation with experts.

Ing. Zuzana Majer Mičincová, ACC (ICF)


„Zuzana má v súkromí aj pri práci vždy pozitívny mindset a vnáša do workshopov radosť a hravosť. Počas facilitácií tímových koučingov pre našu firmu dokázala prerámcovať veci za pochodu, vťahovala do diania a aktívnej práce aj kritické jednice a haterov, takže po workshope odchádzal celý tím spokojný a motivovaný tým, čo si spoločne vystaval.“

Petovska Renata, Managing Director Julius Meinl Austria GmbH

„Einen grossen Dank an Zuzana für Ihr Coaching. Paar Sitzungen mit ihr haben mir klargemacht welchen Fähigkeiten ich bereits besitze und wie ich meine Stärken einsetzen kann. Es war super hilfreich aus einer Außen Perspektive meine Fähigkeiten wahrzunehmen. Hat mir geholfen den Wert meiner Skills einzuschätzen. Zuzanas sensible Unterstützung ist Teil Ihrer Werkzeuge um leichter und bewusster in den Gesprächen vorranzukommen. Dadurch kann ich jetzt stärker auf meine Fähigkeiten setzen, um meine Ziele einfacher und effektiver zu erreichen.“

Tomas Dorka, Sales Manager, IT Bereich

"Zuzana has all the qualities I respect in a coach/leader: humility, understanding, grace and accountability. Her understanding of performance is rooted in years of professional experience and worldly wisdom; she is able to listen with intent and offer counterpoints that expand my perspective. A conversation with Zuzana is always one of quality - I could talk to her forever. She sees the best in me and is passionate about my success. I have found her insight invaluable as I navigate my personal and career goals."

Anthony Falaniko, Logistic Manager, Retail Business

"Zuzana je skvelý kouč. Každé stretnutie s ňou prebiehalo v príjemnej, priateľskej a uvoľnenej atmosfére a napriek tomu, alebo lepšie povedané práve vďaka tomu mi bolo mega prínosné. Bolo super, že ma nechala premýšlať a vyrozprávať sa ale jej otázkami som získal nové a zaujímavé insighty do môjho myslenia. Pomohlo mi to následne mať veci viac pod kontrolou a efektívnejšie pracovať s výzvami, ktoré život prináša."

Michal Moravčík, Creative Director, IMGS


For more information or to arrange a meeting, please send me an e-mail to: zuzana@coachingpartner.sk
sk or call me at 0907 75 77 64.

Coaching Partner s.r.o.
Nové Košariská 2422
900 42 Dunajská Lužná
IČO: 52817547
DIČ: 2121228109
Bankové spojenie: Tatra banka, a.s.
IBAN: SK81 1100 0000 0029 4808 4156